Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 2.djvu/846

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MIDLEM. 838 MILBOENE ST. ANDREW. MIDLEJI, or MIDHOLM, a vil. in the par. of Bow- den, co. Roxburgh, Scotland, 4 miles S. of Molrose. It is situated on the road from Selkirk to Kelso. There is an Original Secession church, also a parochial school. MIDLETON. See MIDDLETON, co. Cork, Ireland. MIDLEY, a par. in the lib. of Romney-Marsh, lathe of Shepway, co. Kent, 2 miles N. of Lydd, and 3 S.W. of New Romney, its post town. It is a small agricul- tural place, containing only a few farmhouses. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Canterbury, val. 129. The church is in ruins. MIDLOE, an ext. par. place in the hund. of Toseland, co. Huntingdon, 3 miles N.W. of St. Neot's. It is situ- ated near the river Kym. MIUMAR, a par. in the district of Kincardine O'Neil, co. Aberdeen, Scotland. It contains the old par. of Kinnairney, and extends about 7 miles from E. to W. in length, with an extreme breadth of 6J miles. It is bounded on the S. by the co. of Kincardine, and on the other sides by the pars, of Kincardine O'Neil, Cluuy, and Echt. The surface is hilly, comprising a portion of Fare Hill. About one-fourth of the parish is in moss and moorland, and upwards of 1,000 acres under plan- tation ; the remainder is in good cultivation. The soil is chiefly clay, alternating with sand and loam, upon a subsoil of gravel, but the underlying rocks are granite and whinstone. The vil. of Midmar is about 7 miles N.E. of Kincardine O'Neil, and is situated in the centre of Mar, under Fare Hill, which rises 1,793 feet above sea-level. It is traversed by the road from Aberdeen to Tarland. The Banchory station on the Deeside railway is in the S. part of the parish. This par. is in the presb. of Kincardine O'Neil, and synod of Aberdeen, and in the patron, of the crown and Sir W. Forbes, Bart. The minister has a stipend of 223. The parish church was erected in 1787. It contains a tomb of Professor Meston, the poet. There are an United Presbyterian church and a parochial school. At Corrachie Vale is the Queen's Chair, and a three-syllable echo. It was in this parish that Murray routed Queen Mary's general, Huntley ; and in the vicinity are traces of Druidical circles, also of a cairn where a Douglas fell in the battle between Wallace and Gumming. MIDNEY, a hmlt. in the par. and hund. of Somerton, co. Somerset, 13 miles S.E. of Bridgwater. It is situ- ated near the bridge over the river Carey. MIDSOMER-NORTON, a par. in the hund. of Chow- ton,,co. Somerset, 10 miles S.W. of Bath, its post town, 8 N.W. of Frome, and 2 W. of Radstock. The village is situated in a valley betwixt the branches of the Somer rivulet, from which the parish derives its name. The par. includes the hmlts. of Welton, Clapton, Clandown, and Downside. There are several good shops in the village, which is lighted with gas, also breweries and malthouses, and a market hall for corn and cattle, opened in 1860. The soil varies according to position, it being in the valleys clay, and in the more elevated places light earth, with white lias stone a few inches below. There are several collieries in the parish. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Bath and Wells, val. 275, in the patron, of Christ Church, Oxford. The parish church, dedicated to St. John, is a stone structure with a square tower containing eight bells and a clock. It was rebuilt in 1830 on the site of the older one. In a niche in the tower is a statue of Charles II., by whom three of the above-mentioned bells were presented. The interior of the church contains several tablets, and in the chancel is a stained window. In addition to the parish church, ttiere are two district churches, viz. at Downside and Clandown, the livings of which are perpet. curs., val. 101 and 18 respectively. The register dates from 1697. Mrs. Harris's school, founded in 1721, with an annuity of 50 for the education of forty boys, is now united with the parochial school for both sexes. An infant school was erected in 1830, and a schoolroom was built in 1840 in which the Sunday- school is held. In the old endowed schoolroom a reading-room and library has been established. The Wesleyans have a place of worship. Courts leet are held twice a year by the Duchy of Cornwall, to which the manorial rights of Midsomer-Norton belong. Welton, the other manor, is held by the Dean and Chapter of Christchurch, Oxford. The market for corn and cattle is held on the first Tuesday in each month, and a cattle fair on the 25th April. MIDTOWN-ARDMALIN, a hmlt. in the par. of Cloncha, co. Donegal, prov. of Ulster, Ireland, 6 miles N.W. of Malin. It is situated not far from Malin Head. MID-VILLE, a parochial tnshp. in the E. div. of the hund. of Bolingbroke, parts of Lindsey, co. Lincoln, 10 miles N.E. of Boston, its post town, and 4 E. of New Bolingbroke. The township was rendered independent of any parish by Act of Parliament in 1812, on occasion of an extensive drainage of the fen lands. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Lincoln, val. 81, in the patron, of trustees. The church is a brick structure with a bell turret. MIEN WATER, a feeder of the river Annan, co. Dumfries, Scotland. It rises above Middlebie, and joins the Annan below Ecclesfechan. MIGDALE, a loch in the par. of Criech, cp. Suther- land, Scotland, 1 mile E. of Bonar-Bridge. It is situated near Dornoch-Frith, and is about 2 miles in length by 1 in breadth. MIGLO, a head stream of the Eden, co. Fife, Scotland. Its course is eastwardly through the par. of Strathmiglo. MIGVIE, an ancient par., now joined to that of Tarland, co. Aberdeen, Scotland. MIKRY ISLAND, co. Edinburgh, Scotland, 3 miles N.E. of Leith. It forms a shoal in the Frith of Forth. MILBORNE-CHURCHSTONE, a tythg. in the lib. of Dewlish, co. Dorset, 3 miles N.W. of Bere Regis. MILBORNE-PORT, a par. in the hund. of Hore- thorne, co. Somerset, 3 miles E. of Sherborne, its post town, and 8 S. of Wincanton. It has a station on the London, Yeovil, and Exeter section of the South- Western railway. It is situated on the old London road to Exeter, and on the line of the Salisbury and Yeovil railway. The par. includes the tythg. of Kingsbury-Regis and the hmlt. of Milborne-Wick. Milborne-Port was a place of importance prior to the Conquest. It is a borough, and was formerly a market town by prescription, re- turning two members to Parliament from the 26th to the 35th of Edward I., when it ceased to exercise the power till 1628, and continued to be represented till disfran- chised by the Reform Act. A court-leet is held in October, at which two of the nine capital bailiffs preside, and appoint two sub-bailiffs, all being under the super- vision of the chief constable of Somerset. The magis- trates hold their meetings every Wednesday and one Monday in the month. The town, which is still consi- derable, is irregularly built, containing many detached houses. It is situated on the road from Yeovil to Shaftes- bury, at the foot of a bill adjoining the river Ivel. The Guildhall is an old building, with a Norman doorway and the remains of a market cross: The county court is held at Wincanton. A brisk trade is done in gloves and leather dressing, which has superseded the coarse linen trade formerly carried on. The soil is of various kinds, but generally fertile. Stone of an inferior quality is quarried for rough buildings and for mending the roads. The impropriate tithes have been commuted for a rent- charge of 525, and the vicarial for 210. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Bath and Wells, val. 233. The church, dedicated to St. John the Evangelist, is a cruci- form structure with a quadrangular tower, containing eight bells. The church has been thoroughly restored, and the churchyard enlarged and reconstructed. The parochial charities produce about 39 per annum. There are National, British, and Sunday schools for both sexes. The Independents and Wesleyans have each a place of worship, to which schools are attached. The Board of Guardians meet on Wednesdays at the union poorhouse in Wincauton. Fairs are held on the 5th June and 28th October. MILBORNE ST. ANDREW, a par. in the lib. of Dewlish and hund. of Piddletown, co. Dorset, 8 miles S.W. of Blandford- Forum, its post town, and 3 N.W. of