Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/119

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OGWELL, WEST. 107 OKEHAMFTON, MONK. and iron, manganese, and marble are found, the last being of a very fine quality. In May, 1595, the greater part of the village was destroyed by fire. It is now a BDiall agricultural village. The tithes have been com- muted for a rent-charge of 245, and the glebe comprises 2 acres. The living is a rect. * in the dioc. of Exeter, val. 180. The church, dedicated to St. Bartholomew, is a plain stone structure, with a tower containing three bells. In the interior of the church are an ancient font, and monuments. The charities amount to about 13 per annum. There is a National school for both sexes, with u small endowment. Pierce G. E. Taylor, Esq., is lord of the manor, and owner of most of the soil. OGWELL, WEST, a pnr. in the hund. of Wonford, co. Devon, 3 miles W. of Newton-Abbot, its railway station and post town. The village, which consists of a few farmhouses, is situated about a mile from the Newton and Ashburton road, and is wholly agricultural. On West Hill there is a quarry of madrepose marble. Iron and manganese exist in the neighbourhood. The soil consists of a mixture of heavy clay and light red loam, on a subsoil of clay and limestone. Sir H. Scale's hounds meet in this neighbourhood. The tithes have been commuted for a rent-charge of 105, and the glebe comprises 22 acres. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Exeter, val. 1 27. The church is an ancient stone struc- ture, with a tower containing three bells. The font is of white freestone, and there are three ancient stone stalls or sedilia. P. G. E. Taylor, Esq., is lord of the manor. OGWEN, a small lake and river of the co. of Car- narvon, rises near Capol Curig, and falls into the sea near Bangor. OICH, a loch in the co. of Inverness, Scotland, 4 miles S.W. of Fort Augustus. It is about 5 miles long, and forms part of the Caledonian canal, between Loch Ness and Loch Lochie. OICH, a river of the co. of Inverness, Scotland, rises in Loch Oich, the waters of which it discharges into Loch Ness at Fort Augustus. _ OIKELL, a river of .the co. of Sutherland, Scotland, rises under Benmore, and, flowing through the glen of Strath Oikell, traces the boundary of Ilosa-shire, and falls into Dornoch Frith. OILGATE, a vil. in the par. of Edermine, bar. of Ballaghkeen, co. Wexford, prov. of Leinster, Ireland, 5 miles S.K of Enniscorthy. It is situated on the Ennis- corthy and Wexford road, about 1 mile from the river Slaney. Here are a police station and a Eoman Catholic chapel. Fairs are held on the 6th March, 21st May, 15th August, and 10th December. OKEFOUD, CHILD. See CHILD -OxEFOito, co. Dorset. OKEFORD-F1TZ-PAINE, or FIPENNY, a par. in the hund. of Sturminstcr-Newton-Castle, and Stur- minstcr div. of co. Dorset, 7 miles N.W. of Blanford- Foruin, its post town, and 4 S.E. of Sturminster. The village, which is of small extent, is situated near Ban- bury Camp, and is chiefly agricultural. It was formerly a market town, under the Nicholos, from whom it came to the Fitz-Paynes. There are some brick-kilns. The tithes have been commuted for a rent-charge of 490, and the glebe comprises 72 acres. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Sarum, val. 491. The clurch, dedicated to St. Michael, is an ancient structure, with a square tower, and has recently been restored. The register dates from 1533. The parochial charities produce about 10 per annum. There is a parochial school. The

< yais and Primitive Methodists have each a place

of worship. Lord Rivers is lord of the manor. On Banbury Hill is a circular camp with a single trench. In 1753 several British silver coins were found. OKEHAMPTON, a par., market town, and municipal borough, locally situated in the hunds. of Lifton and Black Torrington, co. Devon, 21 miles W. of Exeter, and 195 W. by S. of London. It is situated in a wooded valley on the northern border of Dartmoor, near the confluence of two rapid trout streams called the East and West Okement. These streams, issuing out of Cranmero Pool, on Dartmoor, flow E. and W., but, after rounding a succession of hills, again converge, and unite their waters about a quarter of a mile below the town. The borough, which is co-extensive with the parish, includes, besides the town of Okehampton, tho vils. of Cheesacott, Kingbear, and five other hmlts. In tho immediate vicinity of the town, which is built in the lowest part of tho valley, are some rich meadows. Shortly after the Norman conquest this manor was given by William I., with tho earldom of Devon, to Baldwin do Brioniis, who distinguished himself at the battle of Hastings. In Domesday Survey it is described as held of the king by Baldwin tho Viscount, who had his castle here, and at which place were four burgesses and a market. Subsequently it became the property of tho Courtenays, tho hereditary county sheriffs, and keepers of the castle of Exeter, who for several generations resided at Okehampton Castle, which stood on tho summit and eastern slope of a rocky eminence about a mile to the S.W. of tho town. Of this once imposing structure the principal remains are the keep, tho rest having been dismantled by order of Henry VIII. Tho town, which is a borough by prescription, received its first charter from Robert do Courtcnay in tho time of Edward I. ; but this being found inadequate, a new charter of incorporation was granted to the burgesses by James I. in 1623, with many special privileges, which were confirmed and amplified by Charles II. Under this charter it is still governed by a mayor or portreeve, recorder, justice of tho peace, and 8 burgesses. It sent two members to parliament onco in tho reigns of Edward I. and Edward II., and again in 1040, from which time it continued to make regular returns till disfranchised by tho Reform Act. The town, -which consists of several streets irregularly laid out, contained, in 1851, 2,194 inhabitants, but had decreased in 1SC1 to 1,929. Some of the inhabitants are employed in weaving serges, or long ells, for tho Chinese market ; and there is a considerable retail trade for tho supply of the sur- rounding country. Tho lordship of tho borough is vested in the mayor and burgesses, but tho manor and castle belong to A. B. Saville, Esq., of Oatlands. Tho Okehampton Poor-law Union comprises 28 parishes and townships, the union poorhouse being situated in this parish. It is also the head of a superintendent registry and new County Court districts. The tithes have been cofemutcd for a rent-charge of 350, and the glebo consists of 200 acres. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Exeter, val. 600. The church, dedicated to All Saints, stands on rising ground some distance W. from tho town. It is a modern structure, rebuilt at a cost of X3,000, the former one having been burnt down in 1842. Besides tho parish church there is a chapel-of-ease, dedi- cated to St. James, situated in the market-place. This edifice, which was originally founded as a chantry, is small, but has a massive tower of granite, and is now the property of the corporation. Tho Independents and Wesloyans have each a place of worship. There are National and infant schools situated in the town, and a literary society with a small library. The paro- chial charities produce about 120 per annum. Market day is Saturday. Fairs arc held in the months of March, May, July, August, and September, chiefly for cattle. OKEHAMPTON, or OAKHAMPTON, a tythg. in the par. of Wiveliscombe, hund. of West Kingsbury, co. Somerset, 1 mile N.E. of Wiveliscombe, and 15 S.W. of Bridgwater. It is situated in a comb or vale under tho Manadown hills. OKEHAMPTON, MONK, a par. in tho hund. of Black Torrington, co. Devon, 2J miles N.E. of Hather- leigh, its post town, and 8 S.W. of Eggcsford railway station. The village, which is small, is situated on tho E. bank of the river Okement, and is wholly agricul- tural. The soil consists of dunland, with a subsoil of clay. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Exeter, val. 131. The church, dedicated to All Saints, is a stone structure of recent erection, except the tower, which is ancient and contains four bolls. There are painted windows in the chancel. The parochial charities pro- duce about 2 per annum. There is a school for both