Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/782

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WELLS, 770 WKLLS-FORUM. of Bath, and 120 S.W. of London. It has two rail- way stations, viz., on the East Somerset, and Somer- set and Dorset railways. It is situated on the S side of the Hendip hills, by which it is sheltered from the N. winds. Wells was anciently called Tethiscine, Tuding- tone, Welve, Wielia, Fonticuli, &c., and derives its name from the numerous springs in the neighbourhood, and more especially from that of St. Andrew, which, rising near the bishop's palace, flows through the south- western part of the city. In the year 704 Ina, king of Wessex, ia said to have founded a collegiate church on the site of the present cathedral. In the reign of Edward the Elder, about the beginning of the 10th century, the town became the seat of a bishopric. About 1091 the bishopric was obtained by John de VUlula, who removed the episcopal seat to Bath, and styled himself Bishop of Bath only. Bishop Eobert, Do Villula's successor, de- termined, about 1139, that the diocesan should be styled Bishop of Bath and Wells, and be enthroned on his admission in both churches. The town was first incor- porated by Bishop Eobert about 1140, which charter was subsequently confirmed with additional privileges By Bishops Fitzjocelin and Savaric, respectively between the years 1174 and 1192. The first royal charter was granted by King John in 1202, erecting the town into a free borough, constituting the men free burgesses, and granting a Sunday market and five annual fairs ; since which various other charters have been granted by Edward I., Edward III., Eichard II., Henry IV., Henry VI., and Elizabeth. The town has returned two members to parliament since the reign of Edward I., and under the late Corporation Eeform Act is governed by a mayor, 4 aldermen, and 12 councilmen, with the style of " mayor, masters, and burgesses of the city and borough of Wells. The revenue amounts to 979. It comprises the lib. of St. Andrew and the in-and-out pars, of St. Cuthbert, which contains the tythings or hamlets of Coxley, Easton, Horrington, with Burcott, Chilcott, Dulcott, Milton, Polsham, East Water, Walcombe, Wick, Whitnell, Wookey Hole, and War- minster. The acreage of the city and the in and out parishes is about 15,371. The population in 1851 was 7,401, and in 1861 it amounted to 7,443. Wells con- sists of four principal streets, with several minor ones, and is well paved, lighted with gas, and supplied with water. The town possesses a literary and scientific in- stitution, a mechanics' institution, and an agricultural society. There is a market-house with an area for a market-place, and the townhall, erected in 1780, contains some curious MSS. and portraits. There is a prison for the temporary safety of prisoners, a workhouse, and not far from the town stands the county lunatic asylum, which was established in 1848. Very little manufacture is now carried on in Wells ; the silk trade has long been given up, as also the stock- ing manufacture. It was formerly noted for the manu- facture of boots and shoes. In the neighbourhood are several extensive paper and corn mills, besides several breweries, and a brush factory, and gasworks. Lead, iron, and manganese are procured in the district, although not in such large quantities as in former years, and the neigh- bourhood, especially on the Mendip hills side, abounds with geological interest. The corn market has decayed, but the market for cheese is still important. There is a county court held in the city. The summer assizes for Somersetshire are held in Wells. Eaces are run annually in the vicinity. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Bath and Wells, commuted gross val. 300, in the patron, of the Dean and Chapter of Wells. There are also the following district churches viz., St. Thomas the Apostle, East Wells, perpet. cur., val. 90 ; Horrington, perpet. cur., val. 300, in the patron, of the Vicar of Wells ; Coxley, perpet. cur., val. 300, and Easton, perpet. cur., val. 200, both likewise in the patron, of the Vicar of Wells. The parish ohurch, dedi- cated to St. Cuthbert, contains sepulchral chapels, some of which are of ancient date, and remains of a reredos in each transept. A new reredos has lately boon placed in the E. end of the church. This work is by the well-known sculptor, Mr. Forsyth. The church of St. Thomas the Apostle was erected by Mrs. Jenkyns in 1857, in memory of her husband the late Dean of Wells. The Independents, Baptists, and Wesleyans, have each a chapel. Near the town is a ceme- tery of eight acres. The cathedral church is dedicated to St. Andrew. Its form is that of a cross, extending from E. to W. about 371 feet, the transept measuring from N. to S. 135 feet ; the tower is 165 feet high ; there are about 150 statues of the size of life, and above 300 smaller ones. The present edifice was commenced about 1225 by Bishop Joceline de Welles; the two western towers were added about the end of the 14th century, that at the S. end by Bishop John de Harewell, and that on the N. by the executors of Bishop Bubwith, twenty years later. The Lady Chapel is one of tho best specimens of ecclesiastical architecture in England. There are other chapels in different parts of the cathedral one contains an ancient clock, formerly belonging to Glastonbury Abbey, having an astronomical dial and a moving train of knights in armour. The ancient font is preserved in the S. transept. The earliest date in the cathedral register is 1664. Within the walls lie King Ina, Bishops Joceline and Beckington, and there are many old monuments throughout the building. Tho chapter-house, erected by Bishop Marchia about the end of tho 13th century, is an octangular building 480 feet in circumference, the roof being supported by a single central pillar ; beneath this structure is a crypt. To the S. of the cathedral are the cloisters, -which form a quadrangle, the sides measuring severally 160 feet. Tho episcopal palace, whioh is of tho 14th century, stands near the southern side of the cathedral, and has em- battled walls, a moat on either side, and a drawbridge. During the Commonwealth the palace suffered great damage, but has been repaired by various bishops since that period. To the N.W. of the cathedral stands the deanery (built by Bishop Gunthorpe about 1475), and beyond are twenty houses called the Vicar's College, or Close. King Henry VII. was entertained in tho deanery in 1498, on the occasion of his march to suppress the rebellion of Perkin Warbeck. The see of Bath and AVells is in the province of Can- terbury, and was held by Cardinal Wolsey, Arch- bishop Laud, and Bishop Ken. The diocese com- prises the county of Somerset (except Bedmiuster), contains 460 benefices, and is divided into tho arch- deaconries of Wells, Bath, and Taunton. The chapter includes a dean, sub-dean, 4 canons, precentor, chan- cellor, treasurer, 3 archdeacons, 45 prebendaries, 4 minor canons, &c., with the patronage of 19 livings. Wells archdeaconry includes the deaneries of Axbridge, Carey, Frome, Ilchester, Merston, Poulet and Glaston jurisdic- tion, or about 210 benefices. Wells Theological College was founded in 1840 by the late Bishop Law, and the grammar school is supposed to have been founded by Bishop Joceline de Welles about 1240. There is a National school for both sexes, and also Barkham's, Hodges's, and Hickes's charity school, founded in 1654; There are numerous chari- ties connected with the town, among which are Bishop Bubwith's almshouses, founded in 1437, for 2-i persons ; Bishop Still's, founded about the beginning of the 17th century, for 6 men ; Waller Bricke's, founded in 1637, for 4 poor burgesses of the town ; Henry Lle- wellyn's, founded in 1600, for 12 women; Archibald. Harper's, for 5 wool-combers ; Charles's, for 2 women ; and Bishop Wille's, for 4 poor men. Joceline de Welles, Bishop of Bath and _Vells ; Hugh de Wells, Bishop of Lincoln (both active participators in the Barons' rebellion against King John), and Bishop Bull, of St. David's (1634 1709), were natives of this place. Saturday and Wednesday are market days, and a marki t for cattle is held on 4th January, 14th May, Whit- Tuesday, 6th July, 25th October, and 30th November. There is a monthly market for cheese, cattle, &c., also, on the first Saturday in each month. WELLS-FOEUM, a hund., co. Somerset, contains