Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/853

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WINTERBORNE-ZELSTONE. 841 WINTERTON. of the bishop. The church, dedicated to St. Mary contuins an old font, and a register dating from 1600 The Wesleyans have a chapel. There is a National school, and a reformatory for hoya. The Rev. Samue Wesley, father of John and Charles Wesley, founders of the Methodists, was born here during the incumbency of his father, who was ultimately ejected for non- conformity. AVINTERBORNE-.ZELSTONE, a par. in the hund of Rushmore, co. Dorset, 6 miles S.E. of Blandford The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Salisbury, vul. 250. The church is dedicated to St. Mary. The Primitive Methodists have a chapel. There aro parochial anc infant schools. WINTERBOURN, a chplry. in the par. of Chieveley, co. Berks, 3 miles N.W. of Newbury. WINTERBOTJRNE, a par. in the upper div. of Langley hund., co. Gloucester, 6 miles N.E. of Bristol, and 4 S'.W. of Yate railway station. This place, situated on the road from Bristol to Oxford, is watered by the email river Frome, and for ecclesiastical purposes was divided in 1834 under the Church Building Act into two distinct parishes, viz., Winterbourne, with the hmlt. of Watley's End, and St. John the Baptist, Fronchay, with the hmlt. of Ilambrook. The soil is loamy, on a subsoil of limestone. There are stone quarries, iron-works, and a large hat manufactory. Both the livings are rects.* in the dioc. of Gloucester and Bristol, the former val. 845, in the gift of St. John's College, Oxford, and the latter 153, besides 180 acres of glebe. The mother church, dedicated to St. Mary, or St. Michael, was rebuilt in 1843 on the site of the old one of the time of Henry II. The church, dedicated to St. John Baptist, at Frenchay, is likewise modern. At Winterbourne the Wesleyans have a chapel, and at Frenchay there are chapels for Indepen- dents, Socinians, and Society of Friends. There are National schools in connection with both churches, and an infant school at Winterbourne. The charities pro- duce about 130 per annum, besides ten almshouses built in 1851 by Mrs. Jones. Fairs are held on the 29th June and 18th October for cattle. Mrs. Wadham is lady of the manor of Winterbourne, and tho Smyth family of that of Sturden Court. V 1NTERBOURNE-BASSETT, a par. in the hund. of Selkley, co. Wilts, 7 miles N.W. of Marlborough, and 6J S. of Wootton-Bassett. It is bounded on the N. and E. by extensive downs, over which are scattered numerous Druid stones and barrows. The living is a rect.* in tho dioc. of Salisbury, val. 635, in the patron, of Magdalene College, Oxford. The church, dedicated to St. Peter, or St. Katherine, was restored in 1867. It contains a carved font and monuments of the Baskerville family, who long resided here. The register commences m 1681. There is a parochial school. W INTERBOURNE DANTSEY, EARLS, and GTJN-, three adjoining pars, in the hund. of Alder- bury, co. Wilts, 4 miles N.E. of Salisbury, and 2 S.E. of Porton railway station. These three villages are situated in the Bourne Valley, on tho river Avon. In the vicinity is an ancient earthwork called Chlorus's camp, or Figbury Ring, from its circular form, including an area of about 16 acres. The livings of Dantsey and Earls are both perpet. curs, in the dioc. of Salisbury, the former val. 80, and the latter 160, in tho patron, of the bishop, while that of Gunner or Cherborough, as it is sometimes called, is a rect. ,* val. 235 and 9 acres of glebe. The church of Dantsey is dedicated to St. Edward, and v. repaired and the chancel re-roofed in 1858 ; that of Earls, to St. Michael, and is a dilapidated Gothic struc- ture, while that of Gunner is dedicated to St. Mary, and was repaired in 1810, having been much injured by the Brondheads. The registers all date from the reign of li. At Dantsey is a chapel for Now Connexion . at Hurdcot in the parish of Earls and at

er are chapels for Wesleyaus. There is a National

school at Dantsey for the children of this and the two adjoining parishes of Earls and Gunner. WINTKRBOURNE MONKTON, a par. in tho hund. of Silkley, co. Wilts, 7 miles N.W. of Marl- borough. The surface is flat and the soil light. The living is a vie. annexed to that of Avebury. The church is dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene. There is a parochial school with a small endowment bequeathed by the lato Mr. Hitchcock. WINTERBOURNE STOKE, a par. in the hund. of Branch and Dole, co. Wilts, 4 miles W. of Amesbury, and 8 N.W. of Salisbury. The village is situated on the road from Amesbury to Hindon and Shaftesbnry. The parish comprises an extent of down land forming part of Salisbury Plain. On the downs near Conegarth are many barrows and traces of an ancient encampment. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Salisbury, val. 220. The church, dedicated to St. Peter, has recently been repaired, and the chancel rebuilt. There is a National school, iiord Ashburton is lord of the manor. WINTERBURN, a tnshp. in the par. of Gargrave, E. div. of Staincliffe wap., West Riding co. York, 6 miles N.W. of Skipton. It is joined to Flasby. WINTERCOTT, a tnshp. in the par. of Leominster, co. Hereford, 3 miles S.W. of Leominster. It is joined to Hide. WINTERHAY, a tythg. in the par. of Ilminster, co. Somerset, 2 miles from Ilminster. WINTERING-GARTHS, a hmlt. in the tnshp. of Melbeeks, par. of Grinton, North Riding co. York, 3 miles E. of Muker, near the river Swale. WINTERINGHAM, a par. in the N. div. of Manley wap., parts of Lindsey, co. Lincoln, 7 miles W. of Bar- ton-upon-Humber, 10 N.W. of Brigg, and 2 N. of Winterton. On the opposite shore of the Humber is a station of the Hull and Selby railway. The village, formerly a market town, is situated on the S. bank of the Humber, on which tho Hull and Gainsborough steamers ply, and on the banks are wharves for corn, malt, timber, and coals. According to Dr. Stukeley, the ancient name of this place was Abonlnis, occupy- ing the site of tho Roman town Ad Ahum. Near tho village is a chalybeate spring. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Lincoln, val. 657, in the patron, of Emanuel College, Cambridge. Tho church is dedi- cated to All Saints. The register commences in 15C2. The Wesleyans, Primitive Methodists, and Indepen- dents have chapels. There are National schools for both sexes. The charities produce about 15 per an- num. A pleasure fair is held on 14th July. Lord Car- rington is lord of the manor. WINTERSET, a tnshp. in the par. of Wragby, West Riding, co. York, 4 miles S.E. of Wakefield. WINTERSLOW, a par. in the hunds. of Alderbury and Amesbury, co. Wilts, 6 k miles N.E. of Salisbury. The village is situated on the line of the old Roman road from Salisbury to Winchester. Near the Winter- slow Hut are three barrows, one of which, on being opened some years since, was found to contain an arched vault of rude flints wedged together, enclosing two large sepulchral urns filled with relics, supposed to have been those of some illustrious British female ; and near, an ancient cross ; many Saxon and early Norman coins have been found cut into halves and quarters, hence the names of half-penny and farthing, or fourth-ing. Near this spot one of the horses of the Exeter mail coach was seized by a lioness in 1816, supposed to have escaped from a travelling menagerie. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Salisbury, val. 785, in the patron, of St. John's College, Oxford. The church is dedicated to All Saints. The Wesloyans have a chapel. There are National schools. WINTERSTOKE, a hund. in tho northern div. of co. Somerset, contains the pars, of Axbridge, Badg- worth, Ban well, Blagdon, Bledon, Charterhouse - on- Vlendip, Cheddar, Christen, Churchill, Compton Bishop, 3ongresbury, East Harptree, Hutton, Kenn, Kewstoke, [locking, Loxton, Puxton, Stoke Rodney, Rowberrow, Shipham, Uphill, AVeston-super-Mare, Week St. Law- rence, Winscombe, Worle, and Yatton, comprising 62,030 cres. WINTERTON, a par. and small market town in the