Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 3.djvu/921

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APPENDIX. I. TABULAR VIEW OF THE UNITED KINGDOM ENGLAND AND WALES, SCOTLAND IRELAND. II. SUMMARY OF THE POOR-LAW RETURNS FOR 1866-7, GIVING THE AREA, INHABITED HOUSES, POPULATION, RATEABLE VALUE FOR 1867, POOR RATES, AMOUNT EXPENDED IN RELIEF TO THE POOR, AND TOTAL EXPENDITURE. HI. DIGEST OF THE CENSUS RETURNS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, 1861. THE following Appendix comprises a digest of the information contained in the Census Returns for 1861, the Poor-Law Reports, and other Government Blue Books, so tabulated as to supply at one glaiico a Statistical survey of tho United Kingdom, and at the same time so arranged as to furnish a ready means of ascertaining tho minute particulars of local interest attaching to each separate city, borough, town, village, parish, ecclesiastical district, and hamlet. To achieve this result, no little amount of labour was requisite; for although tho materials were all supplied by tho Government Returns, tho means of reference were often difficult, and the information scattered through many volumes. Even to those who have tho whole of the Government Reports on their shelves, it is hoped that these tables will prove of service; for they will bcro find a list of all places in tho United Kingdom arranged alphabetically, with their several descrip- tions, as city, borough, town, parish, &c., the days on which markets are held, the county and union in which situated, with the population and tho extent or area in statute acres, with tho exception of a few parishes in Scotland, for which the Ordnance Survey is not yet completed. In tho case of Ecclesiastical Districts, the area is not stated in the Census Returns, their bounds being often undefined, so that tho population only can be given. In the lists of Poor-Law Unions, tho rateable value of property is given from the new valuation Returns so far as revised up to April, 1867. At the close of each English entry, a number is affixed indicating the Registration District and Union within which such place is situated, and by which it may be found in the Population Returns and Poor-Law Reports ; but the express object of inserting these numbers here is to refer the inquirer at once to the place in tho preceding tables of Poor- Law Unions where he will find the Union within which such place is situated, with the rateable value of property in 1867, the number of inhabited houses in 18G1, tho lotal amount of poor rate levied in 1S66, the proportion expended in relief to the poor, in-maintenance and out-relief, and the total amount expended, includ- ing county rate, borough and police rates, &c., compared with the area and population. Ko numbers have been affixed to the Scotch and Irish places, because tho former are grouped, not under unions, but counties, and in Ireland the unions aie arranged alphabetically under provinces and counties. EXPLANATION OF THE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN T1IE FOLLOWING TABLES. ccl.-tl. ecclesiastical district. isl. island. h. hamlet. p. parish. imp. imperfect. ui. town. tn.-p. town and parish. tus. township. v. village. signs -f and arc used in those tables to signify that the numbers following them arc to oe aUUefl or suDtmcte<3, as the case may be; but before numbers in the column of population, the sipn signifies that tho population htu decreased by U~ ap*df,e<l miiuter. n. royal boruugh. r. parliamentary borough. M. municipal borough. ch.-p. parochial chapelry. ch. cliiijjelry. lib. liberty. tg. tithing. qr. quarter. c. city. v.-p. village ana parish. vs. villages. (ly. daily. m. Monday. t. Tuesday. . Wednesday r/i. Thursday. /. Friday. V Saturdar.