Page:The New Monthly Magazine - Volume 102.djvu/10

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American Authorship.By Sir Nathaniel.No. XIV.—Richard Grant White 283
The Decisive Charge at the Battle of the Alma.By Nicholas Michell 294
A Night of Horror 296
Paris in 1854 328
To the Emperor of Austria, on his Marriage.By Captain Medwin 340
Literary Leaflets.By Sir Nathaniel.No. XXV.—"Hannay's "Satire and Satirists" 341
A City's Desolation.By the Author of "The Unholy Wish" 348
Sunset Sketches.By Mrs. Bushby 362
How to Travel in China 379
The Sister of the Hôtel Dieu.By Dudley Costello 395
Literary Leaflets.By Sir Nathaniel.No. XXVI.—Light Readings in Alison 406
Can You so Soon Forget Me?By J. E. Carpenter 415
"Doing our Vesuvius" 416
The Psychologist.By William Pickersgill, Esq. 427
The Aunt and Niece.By the Author of "The Unholy Wish" 438
More Stray Letters from the Seat of War.By Ensign Pepper 454
The Whisper in the Market-Place.By G. W. Thornbury 488
The History of the Siege of Sebastopol 492