Page:The Ordinances of the Legislative Council of New Zealand and of the Legislative Council of the Province of New Munster - From 4. Victoriæ to 16. Victoriæ Inclusive, 1841 to 1853.pdf/343

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No. 3.


Treasurer to pay moneys on order of Governor.

2.And be it enacted, That the Colonial Treasurer of New Ulster shall issue and pay from time to time any sum or sums of money for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned, not exceeding in the whole the sums respectively specified, to such persons and in such portions as the Governor or other the Officer Administering the Government of the Province for the time being shall by any order or orders in writing signed by him from time to time direct, and such Treasurer shall in his accounts be allowed credit for all sums paid by him in pursuance of such orders, and the receipts of the persons to whom such sums shall have been so paid shall be to him a full discharge for the sum or sums for which such receipt shall have been given, and the amounts thereof shall be passed to his credit in account accordingly: Provided also and it is hereby further enacted that such appropriation of the said provincial revenue as is hereinbefore provided for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, shall be also deemed and taken to apply to the appropriation of such revenue for the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty, unless any such Provincial Council shall in the meantime be established and shall otherwise provide for the appropriation of such revenue for such last-mentioned year as aforesaid.

No. III.

Pensions. An Ordinance to authorize the Payment of Pensions to certain Persons in consideration of the Injuries received by them while acting with or in aid of Her Majesty's Forces. [24th August, 1849.]

Preamble. Whereas several members of the Volunteer Corps and others were disabled or otherwise severely wounded while acting with or in aid of Her Majesty's Forces in the suppression of the late rebellion in the northern part of this Province, and it is fitting that provision be made for or towards the support and maintenance of such persons as were seriously injured while so acting as aforesaid:

Be it therefore enacted by the Governor-in-Chief of New Zealand, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:

Application for pensions how to be made.

1.Every such person who may have been so wounded as aforesaid and who may be desirous of availing himself of the provisions of this Ordinance shall, on or before the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, make application for that purpose in writing to the Colonial Secretary, setting forth the nature and extent of his wounds, and the circumstances under which he may have received the same.

To be submitted to Executive Council.

2.Every such application shall be submitted to the consideration of the Executive Council of the Province, who are hereby authorized and empowered to appoint a Board of Medical Examiners to report on the nature and extent of the injuries alleged to have been received by the person making such application as aforesaid.

Who may recommend pensions to be granted.

3.In every case in which it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the said Executive Council that the person making such application is entitled to the benefit of this Ordinance, it shall be lawful for the said Council to recommend such pension or other allowance to be made to him as (regard being had to the circumstances of the case) to them shall seem meet: Provided always that the amount of the pension or