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pointed. Parasphenoid large and broad. Appendicular skeleton unknown, and the skull imperfectly known.

Gymnarthrus Case, Cardiocephalus Broili, United States.

Family Diadectidae (Diadectosauria). From about five to about eight feet in length. Skull short and high. Teeth incisiform in front, transversely molariform posteriorly. Vertebrae with hyposphene and hypantrum. Cleithrum rather large.

Diadectes Cope, Animasaurus Case and Williston, Bolbodon Cope, Chilonyx Cope, Desmatodon Case, Diadectoides Case, Diasparactus Case, United States.

Family Bolosauridae. Teeth subconical, cuspidate. Small reptiles. Teeth and part of skull only, known. Bolosaurus Cope, United States.

Family Captorhinidae (Labidosauria). From one to three feet in length; invertebrate feeders. Dermosupraoccipitals confined to occiput. No supratemporals and, in Labidosaurus, no tabulars. Teeth obtusely flattened, conical, in two or more rows on maxillae, one or more on mandible. Cleithrum vestigial. Spines of vertebrae short, their arches broad. Parasternal ribs present.

Captorhinus Cope, Pleuristion Case, Labidosaurus Cope, United States.

Family Pariotichidae. Small terrestrial reptiles about one foot in length, insectivorous or invertebrate feeders. Teeth obtusely pointed, in one or more rows. Imperfectly known.

Pariotichus Cope, Ectocynodon Cope, Isodectes Cope, Puercosaurus Williston, United States.

Family Stephanospondylidae. Maxillae with two rows of transverse teeth. Cleithrum large. Skull short, imperfectly known, as also the skeleton.

Stephanospondylus Stappenbeck, Phanerosaurus Meyer, Saxony, Germany.

Genera Incertae Sedis: Chamasaurus Williston, Archeria Case, Bathyglyptus Case, Helodectes Cope, United States.

Family Limnoscelidae. Elongate, subaquatic or marsh reptiles seven or eight feet in length. Teeth conical, recurved in single rows.