Page:The Oxford book of Italian verse.djvu/559

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Giustino, Galatea, Endimione, Orti Esperidicantate composed for various occasions; Didone, Siroe, Catone, Zenobia, Artaserse, Olimpiade, Adriano, Demetrio, Temistocle, Issipile, Antigono, Demofoonte, Achille in Scyro, La Clemenza di Tito, Attilio Regolo, L'Eroe Cinese—lyrical dramas for music. [Opere, Firenze, 1819-30; see also Stendhal, Vies de Haydn, de Mozart et de Métastase, Paris, 1883; Vernon Lee, Studies of the Eighteenth Century in Italy, London, 1880.]

Cassiani (page 342). Born at Modena. Professor of Eloquence in the University.

Manara (page 343). Born at Borgo Taro near Parma. Held office in the court; First Minister 1781. Translated Virgil. [Vita ed opere, ed. Avoledo, Piacenza, 1899.]

Parini (page 343). Born at Burisio; priest; member of Accademia de' Trasformati in Milan, and Arcadian, 1777. Preceptor in various great houses; Professor of Literature at Milan; lectured in the Brera. When the Cisalpine Republic was formed by Napoleon he held various public offices, manifesting an independence of spirit and a lofty ideal of honour. Died at Milan. Chief works: Il Giorno, a satire on the frivolous life of the young Italian of his time, showing influence of Thomson and Pope; Odi, Canzonette; a drama, Ascanio in Alba, which the young Mozart set to music; prose dialogues and critical essays. [Opere, 6 vols., Milano, 1804.]

Mazza (page 359). Born at Parma, Professor of Greek in the University. A student of English, translated Pope, Dryden, Gray, and Thomson. [Opere, 5 vols., Parma, 1819.]

Vittorelli (page 361). Born at Bassano. Held a public appointment at Venice. Byron liked his poetry. [Rime, Venezia, 1851.]