Page:The Pacific Monthly vol. 14.djvu/140

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Sunny Jim — Say, Aunt Jemima, a boy threw a rock and hit me on the head to-day. Won't you tie it up?

Aunt Jemima — Deed Ah will, honey. Whah he hit you? Eight dere? Nemind, honey, Ah fix it. Whuilo' he do dat? Jes' lemme cotch him! Good-fer-nothin', low down white trash! Dere, honey, hit's all right now.

Cigarette Triplets — Say, Aunty —

Sunny Jim — Say, you nincompoops, keep your traps shut, will you? If you don't quit teasing this old woman, I'll tie all three of you into a double bow knot and use you for a floor mop. You cigar store loafers, you mashers, you perfumed ninnies. I think I'll do it anyhow.

(He starts toward them, but they exit sud- denly.)

Cliocolate Waitress — Good, good! Bravo, M'seer Jim! Now we haf ze nice, quiet time.

Aunt Jemima — Honey, don't you spoil yo' han's by touchin' dem low clown white trash. You jes' leave dem ter me. Ah '11 jes' tek 'em ercross my knee and spank 'em good. Yah, suh, you jes' leave 'em ter me. Ah '11 learn 'em manners.

[At this point the first faint glimmer of

day appeared, the company scurried away to

their posts of duty, and quoth the Red Eaven,


  • * *

The good die young — witness the spring lamb.

All Eyes Tov|

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It is the geographical center of Portland. It is eau well drained — 150 feet above the river. Commani Mt. Adams and the surrounding country. It is very a district. Has one hour more sunlight than over the ri trolley lines and sewers. Lots sold on advantageous te where it will be a comfort and a joy and an investn:

Write for full particulars or call upon


Room 4, 88; 2 Third Strcj

An Imported Cigar in All but the PRICE

La Integridad



Allen & Lewis

Havana Cigars


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