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The Past, Present, and Future Trade of the

Mr. Frederick Young (Honorary Secretary) read the Minutes of the First Ordinary General Meeting, which were confirmed. He also announced that the following gentlemen had been elected Fellows since the last Meeting:—

Resident Fellows:–James Gilchrist, Esq., Alexander Donaldson, Esq., Robert Faithfull, Esq., M.D.; S. Hoffnung, Esq., James Williamson, Esq., H. W. D. Saunders, Esq., F. J. Partridge, Esq., G. S. Baden Powell, Esq., A. M. Aitken, Esq.

Non-Resident Fellows:—Andrew Lyell, Esq., M.L.A. (Victoria), Edmund Field, Esq., J.P. (Demerara), John Wilks, Esq., J.P. (Melbourne), James Bull, Esq. (New Zealand), John Lees, Esq. (New Zealand), Dr. Ford (Melbourne), W. H. Jones, Esq. (Barbados), W. S. Turner, Esq. (Demerara), F. W. Bompas, Esq. (Cape Colony), Wellesley Bourke, Esq. (Jamaica), William Howatson, Esq. (Trinidad), D. P. Nathan, Esq. (Jamaica), J. E. Martin, Esq. (Jamaica), F. W. Hyde, Esq. (Kaffraria), E. P. S. Sturt, Esq. (Melbourne), Joseph Dougal, Esq. (Melbourne).

It was announced that donations, presented to the Library, had been received from the following:—

By the Government of Ceylon:

Blue Book, 1878.

By the Royal Geographical Society:

Journal of the Society, vol. xlviii., 1878; Proceedings of the Society, December, 1876.

By the Royal Engineer Institute, Chatham:

Occasional Papers, vol. iii., No. 10.

By Dr. R. Schomburgh:

On the Urara, the deadly Arrow Poison of the Macusis, an Indian Tribe of British Guiana, 1879; On the Naturalised Weeds and other Plants in South Australia, 1879.

By Baron Ferdinand Von Mueller, K.C.M.G.;

Eucalyptographia, a Descriptive Atlas of the Eucalypts of Australia, and the adjoining Islands. Third decade, 1879.

By William Westgarth, Esq.:

Statistics of the Colony of Tasmania, 1878.

By Abraham Hyams, Esq.:

Report of the Inspector of Schools for 1878, Jamaica.

By the Hon. Virjile Naz, M.L.C., C.M.G., Mauritius:

Annual Report of the Protector of Immigrants, 1878.

By Robert Winton, Esq.:

Geological Survey of Newfoundland, Report of Progress, 1878.

By J. Watherston, Esq.:

Our Railways: Should they be Private or National Property?

By Henry Hall, Esq.:

The Cape and its People, 1869; The Cape Colony, 1875.

The Chairman then called upon Dr. Holub to deliver the following lecture on:—