Page:The Periplus of the Erythræan Sea.djvu/297

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India (the kingdom of Nambanus).


( Imports )

Wine : Italian preferred, also Laodicean and Arabian Copper Tin Lead Coral Topaz

Thin clothing and inferior sorts of all kinds

Bright-colored girdles a cubit wide Storax

Sweet clover Flint glass Realgar Antimony

Gold and silver coin (yielding a profit on the exchange) Ointments, not costly, a little Presents for the King:

Costly vessels of silver, singing boys, beautiful maidens for the harem, fine wines, thin clothing of the finest weaves, the choicest ointments.

( Exports )

Spikenard (coming through Scythia, also through Po- clais, from Caspapyra, Pa- ropanisus and Cabolitis) Costus Bdellium Ivory

Agate and carnelian (onyx and murrhine)


Cotton cloth of all kinds (mus- lins and ordinary)

Silk cloth



Long pepper

OtheF things coming from the various ports.

India ( Chera and Pandya kingdoms). Muziris, Nelcynda and Bacare; (to which large ships come for pepper and malabathrum ).

( Imports )

Coin, in great quantity Topaz

Thin clothing, not much Figured linens Antimony Coral

Crude glass Copper Tin Lead

Wine, not much, but as much as at Barygaza Realgar Orpiment

Wheat (for the sailors, the country not producing it) .

( Exports )

Pepper, produced in Cottorara Fine pearls in great quantity Ivory Silk cloth

Spikenard from the Ganges Malabathrum from the interior Transparent stones of all kinds Diamonds Sapphires

Tortoise-shell, from Chryse and from near-by islands

India (Chbla kingdom)

Argaru (inland)

( Exports )


Muslins (named from the place) India (East Coast).

Camara, Poduca and Sopatma (where ships come from the west coast, also from the Gan- ges and Chryse).

(. Imports )

Everything made in Damirica and the neighboring coun- tries and most of what comes from Egypt.