Page:The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 (Volume 06).djvu/52

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[Vol. 6
The salaries of two royal proprietary officials, and of another who serves to fill a vacancy, four thousand six hundred and eighty-seven pesos and four tomins
IV U. DCLXXXV[ii] pesos
Gratuities to the religious orders, three thousand pesos
III U. pesos
Collection of tributes, one thousand five hundred pesos
I U. D pesos
Ordinarily there are a hundred seamen, shipwrights, and forge-men, whose wages are paid from the royal treasury in Nueva España; and some assistance, charged to that treasury, is given to them in this island, as aid for their support, besides their ration of rice—which amounts in one year to two thousand pesos
ii U. pesos
Item: Fifty-five Indians who are carpenters, and a like number of iron-workers, for work on the ships; and a hundred other Indians for services in casting artillery, building houses for the royal service, work on the fortifications, manning the oars on three fragatas, and ordinary service—who earn two thousand pesos
II U. pesos
Item: Twenty thousand fanégas of rice for the sustenance of the seamen, shipwrights, and iron-workers, and the Indians for the above works and services; at the rate of two tomins a fanéga, this costs five thousand pesos
V U. pesos
Five hundred quintals of iron, at one peso a quintal
U. D pesos
Also five hundred quintals of cordage, net weight, at one peso a quintal
U. D pesos
Also five hundred quintals of pitch, at one peso a quintal
U. D pesos