Page:The Pilgrim's Progress, the Holy War, Grace Abounding Chunk1.djvu/336

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The Pilgrim's Progress.

Self-Will, Mr., the story of, 262; opinions of, 262.

Shadow of Death, Valley of the, 247; Christiana in, 247; an ugly fiend, 248; a roaring lion, 248; the bottomless pit, 249; snares and pitfalls, 250; fate of Headless, 250; a Giant Maul slain, 250.

Shepherds, the, of the Delectable Mountains, 295.

Significant Rooms, the, in Interpreter's house, 204.

Simple, Mr., the fate of, 219; character and works of, 219.

Skill, Mr., an ancient and well-approved physician, 234; cures Matthew of the ill effects of eating forbidden fruit, 238.

Slaughter-house, the, Interpreter's house, 207.

Slay-good, Giant, vanquished by Mr. Great-heart, 273.

Sleep, the danger of, to pilgrims, 223.

Sleepy-head, the end of, 219.

Sloth, Mr., the fate of, 219; character and deeds of, 219.

Slothful's Friend, the, an arbour in the Enchanted Ground, 304.

Slow-pace, Mr., the end of, 219.

Spider, the, on the wall of Interpreter's house, 205; meaning of, 206.

Standfast, Mr., a right good pilgrim, 307; crosses the river of Death, 318.

Stupidity, the town of Mr. Honest, 254; and of Mr. Fearing, 275.

Take-Heed, the companion of Heedleless, 250.

Taste-that-which-is-good, cook to Gains, the innkeeper, 266.

Tell-true, Mr. reports the doings of Christian, 298.

Thieves, the, who assaulted Little-faith in Deadman's Lane, 265.

Timorous, Mr., punishment of, 223.

Timorous, Mrs., visits Christiana in the City of Destruction, 186; tries to persuade her to remain at home, 189; her story to her neighbours, 189.

Too-bold, Mr., 305.

Turn-away, Mr., the story of, 296.

Uncertain, the town of Mr. Feeble-mind, 274.

Valiant-for-Truth meets with Christiana and her companions, 296; Why he went on pilgrimage, 298; his song, 302; crosses the river of Death, 317.

Valley of Humiliation, Christiana in, 242.

Valley of the Shadow of Death, Christiana in, 247.

Velour, true, 302.

Vanity, the town of, 280; Christiana entertained by Mr. Mnason in, 280; some good people of, 281; the dragon at, 284.

{smallcaps|Wanton}}, Madam, a merry day with, 190.

Want-wit, the work of, 293.

Watchful, the porter at Palace Beautiful, 226.

Watchfulness, the need of, 282.

Wicket-gate, the, Christiana at,193; Mercy faints at, 193.

Women, ministry of, to Christ, 267, 268.

Word of God, the, distasteful to a carnal heart, 237; ministers should fetch their doctrine from, 237; a looking—glass, 294; Mercy longeth for 294.