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Lemon Cream Pie.

Line a deep tin with a crust a little thicker than for fruit pies.

Filling.—Four tablespoons lemon juice, grated rind of 1 lemon, 1½ cups water, 1 cup sugar, ⅓ cup cornstarch, 3 egg yolks. Dissolve cornstarch in 4 tablespoons of water, put remainder of water, lemon juice and ½ the sugar into double boiler and let come to boiling point, then stir in the dissolved starch. Stir constantly until well thickened, then remove from direct heat, beat remaining sugar, lemon rind and yolks until creamy and stir into hot mixture. Pour into lined pie plate and bake in steady oven until well set. When done let cool before putting on meringue or it will draw moisture.

Meringue.—Beat 3 egg whites with pinch of salt until they froth, add ½ teaspoon cream of tartar and beat until stiff; add 3 tablespoons powdered sugar and 5 drops lemon extract. Pile on pie and brown in moderate oven. Let cool in warm place.—Mrs. G. C. Hass.

Mapleine Pie.

One cup milk, 3 level tablespoons corn starch, ¼ teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons butter, ½ cup light brown sugar, 1 teaspoon Mapleine. Heat milk in double boiler. Mix corn starch and salt perfectly smooth in ½ cup cold milk. Add to hot milk and cook until smooth and thick. Cook the butter and sugar till smooth and soft, and add to cornstarch mixture. Then add Mapleine and the two egg yolks beaten light and diluted with a little of the hot mixture. Cool slightly, fill baked pie shell, cover with meringue of remaining egg whites and brown slightly.—Mrs. P. Weissbrodt.

Fruit Mincemeat.

Two pounds of apples pared and cored, 1 pound raisins, 1 pound sultanas, 1 pound currants, ¾ pound beef suet, ½ pound stoned prunes, ½ pound figs, 4 ounces shelled almonds, juice and grated rind of 1 orange and 2 lemons, ¾ ounce of mixed ground spices, ½ pint cider. Mix thoroughly and put away in glass jars.—Mrs. Albrecht.