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Scrambled Eggs with Tomato.

Melt 2 tablespoons butter, add 1 tablespoon each of chopped green pepper and onion, 1 cup cooked tomato, ½ teaspoon salt. When hot, add 4 eggs slightly beaten; stir carefully, and when scrambled serve on toast. —Alicia K. Steinhoff.

Dumplings and Noodles

Never Fail Dumplings.

One and one-half cups flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, pinch salt. Mix, add 1 egg and ¾ cup sweet milk. Stir and drop by the spoonful into boiling chicken, veal, or lamb broth. Keep covered for 5 minutes, then uncover and boil a few minutes longer. Serve at once.—Mrs. A. J. Koehneke.

Steamed Dumplings.

Two cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 2 eggs, ½ teaspoon salt, 7 tablespoons milk. Mix well and drop in steamer with tablespoon. Nice with stewed chicken.—Mrs. Sodemann.

Corn Dumplings.

Make a nice light biscuit dough and form it into small, thin rounds, just large enough to hold 1 heaping tablespoon corn, seasoned to taste. Add a lump of butter and form into round dumplings. Steam for about 30 minutes and serve as a garnish for stewed chicken.—Mrs. Albrecht.

Cracker Dumplings.

One heaping tablespoon butter, 3 eggs, 10 crackers, nutmeg and lemon rind to taste. Stir butter to cream, add yolks of eggs, nutmeg and lemon rind; add whites of eggs, beaten stiff, and lastly crackers, rolled fine. Form little balls, drop in boiling soup and let boil for a few minutes.—Mrs. John C. Koebel.

Farina Dumplings.

Boil ¼ cup farina in 1 cup soup, then remove from stove add 1 egg and nutmeg to taste. Drop into soup from a table-