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TRUTH: When the tree has full-fruited,

Blessing itself bountifully with the beads of its delight, Shall we deny the falling of its leaves?


But the pathetic millions are denied any ripeness of age. They know not its sunset meditation, nor the serene reverie of the dusk.

TRUTH: Immaculate Death made falsity.

POET: Supreme artist; unexcelled designer; leveler, destroyer,

creator. I have stood by the death-bed of mothers. Moreover, I have watched the mysterious veil Fall over the face of a child. I have seen strong men shot in battle And in the brawl of mining-camps. Or the gambling-room ; brave men and cowards ; Men who seemed to me mean and unworthy. Yet never have I seen the invisible Sculptor Fail to mould dignity and confer peace. The sublimity of the Great Artificer is infinite ; Of the same passionless bigness as the stars, or the earth,

or trees.

TRUTH: The dying of the Poor is more pitiful than death ; Squalid rooms, foul air ; dirt and rags ; Wailings that the bread-winner is taken, Or whining and sniffling with a secret gladness That a burden has been lifted ; Candles, masses ; funerals ; superstitions ; The cost of food paid unto the dead ;

The price of bread for a pine-box, covered and bedizened. How serene is the one within the box. Contemptuous of its tawdry trappings.