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Oh, is there none shall set the people free?

TRUTH: Not one.

Freedom dwells in a people's soul. When they desire the light it is here.

POET: Oh, you consenting chattels. When will you understand and look up? Freedom awaits you as a scarlet bird Held between the hands of a tall woman. Ready to fly out and gladden the world.

TRUTH: Words live in acts.

Dreamers exalt, but Doers water with their blood the exaltation.

POET: There is no birth without travail ; Neither shall Freedom be born without anguish.

TRUTH: Dare to be yourself.

POET: The path so steep and Pity persuades aside.

TRUTH: Be pitiless unto greater things.


I know I should dare to suffer and to make others suffer, Even those I love,

That I may be myself and the Future be greater. Does not each flower and tree insist upon its full

perfection? I am not Nature's only care ; nor any one.