Page:The Post Office of Fifty Years Ago.djvu/50

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Hampstead more than fifteen years after he had left the Post Office. Just a few months before his death the Corporation of London, on the motion of Mr.Washington Lyon, conferred upon him the Freedom of the City, giving a double grace to the honour by adopting, in consequence of his failing health, the hitherto unprecedented course of dispensing with his personal attendance at Guildhall, and appointing a special deputation to present it to him at his own residence.

Peacefully and painlessly he passed away in his 84th year, on the 27th of August, 1879, and was buried in Westminster Abbey by the side of James Watt; and in concluding this portion of our notice, we can hardly do better than quote the admirable poem in which, turning as he sometimes does from lighter to more serious thoughts, Mr. Punch expressed the feelings of the world at large.


Rowland Hill.

Originator of Cheap Postage.

Born at Kidderminister, Dec. 3rd, 1795. Died at Hampstead, Aug. 27th, 1879.
Buried in Westminster Abbey, by the side of James Watt,
Thursday, September 4th.

No question this of worthy's right to lie
With England's worthiest, by the grave of him
Whose brooding brain brought under mastery
The wasted strength of the Steam-giant grim.