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Plate IX. represents two female domestics, natives, who have adopted the Spanish dress, and, with it, the habits of their superiors,

In continuation of the above satire, a correspondent who styles himself Hiponobates, addresses to the Academical Society the following


The hardness of my couch, the agreeable recollections of my daily adventures, and the perusal of the Mercuries, which I have recourse to almost invariably before I lie down to rest, are wont to procure me dreams of so delightful and durable a nature, that the illusions of my no6lurnal repose occasionally appear to me to be realities. The other night, in thinking of the allusion which the historical apologue you have published might convey, my fancy was exalted; and, with this subject strongly impressed on my mind, I fell asleep. The drowsy poppies which Morpheus shed over me, to lull my wearied faculties, were not capable of effacing entirely the impressions of my spirit. Whether it was occasioned by the particular nature of these impressions, or by the sensibility of the soul, I know not, but I had a dream of such length and consistency, as to appear to me. to be deserving of your attention, if it be on no other account than because it corresponds with the above cited apologue, the object of each of the broken narrations being in a manner the same.

It appeared that, after cruel sufferings, the ship on board of which I was embarked foundered, and that all the com-
