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self on his honour, of which, according to them, he is devoid of every sentiment, certainly have not studied his heart. The Itucalis, in proportion as they decapitate their enemies, divide the skin which covers the bridge of the nose, and by the introduction of the small husks of the palm into the incised parts, form warts, or excrescences, the number of which is from time to time augmented, until at length they extend from the space between the brows to the tip of the nose, and occasion an uneven outer ridge, by which these Indians are extremely disfigured. The first process they perform on the heads they bring with them, is to boil them, and having stripped the skin from the head and visage, it is stuffed with straw, and dried in the smoke, thus forming a mask. The teeth they extract for their collars, and the skulls they suspend as trophies from the roofs of their dwellings.

Their victories are celebrated with much solemnity, in the house of the captain, or cacique, on a particular day appointed for that purpose. For these joyous occasions a provision is made of a great number of jugs of masato, which are placed in rows in a large saloon, having different seats, according to the quality of the guests. At the appointed time all the people assemble, decked with a thousand ridiculous and extravagant inventions.

The warriors constantly bring with them the masks which have been above pointed out, and which they grasp by the hair. Being assembled at the door of the banquetting-house, they prepare their weapons, and having made a feint attack, retire backward, as if they were repulsed: at the third assault they break their ranks, and proceed to form a circle. The dancing and singing now commence, the principal aim of
