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should tread in the same path, he will he entitled to the benedictions of the community, the most solid recompense to which a noble mind can aspire.

By the means of the system of forming new settlements on the side of the Andes mountains, the brilliant light of the gospel may be diffused among the nations who dwell there surrounded by the dark gloom of error and paganism, in a more secure and efficacious manner than by fire and the sword. In speaking of the advantages of Vitoc, the assembly of Tarma makes the following energetic refle6tions on this head: "In this project, the religion which our august monarch so ardently desires to see established among the infidels, is interested, on this account, that the population of Vitoc, having been augmented with the progress of time, may of itself become the basis of a communication with the chunchos; and these Indians, on perceiving that they are neither persecuted, nor molested in the lands they possess, may resort to a traffic with us, for the agricultural implements of which they are greatly in need, similar to that in which the Indians of the back settlements of North America have engaged with the British and French. By the means of this amicable and frequent intercourse, the Catholic religion may not only be introduced among them, but may become grateful to them, for the very reason that they have not been urged to it by compulsory measures. It has been seen, that the most politic nations have established their colonies, and advanced their conquests, by regulations, the early introduction of which has led to a traffic, such as is now solicited. It is not easy to pass with celerity from barbarism to the summit of perfection; but time, the frequency of intercourse, and the temptation of being able
