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named Albinus, who devoured, without rising from table, a hundred peaches, ten melons, five hundred figs, and twelve dozen and a half of oysters.

Huaylas is not of this class. He eats moderately, and less than the greater part of the multitude of sensualists who inhabit Lima. It is true, that he is an Indian; and that the Indians are the most frugal people in existence, when they have to maintain themselves. We do not know what would be the result, if he were to be nourished at the expence of others; for in that case the most diminutive Indian has the swallow of a giant.

To what degree of height this name is applicable, has not hitherto been determined: but as it is generally considered by naturalists, that those who rise above six feet are men of a large stature, Basilio Huaylas may augment the number of giants, without the necessity of his attaining the size of Tiphoeus, the son of Juno, who, according to Apollodorus, touched the stars with his head, and with his outstretched arms the east and the west.