Page:The Richest Man In Babylon (1930).pdf/63

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Where the determination is, the way can be found. I visited every man to whom I was indebted and begged his indulgence until I could earn that with which to repay. Not one but met me gladly and wished me well. Several offered to help me. One indeed did give the very help I needed. It was Mathon, the gold lender, who enquired what I had been doing and when I told him I had been a camel tender, sent me to old Nebatur, the camel trader, who was commissioned by our good king to secure camels for the great expedition. My knowledge of camels was put to profitable use. I prospered and later became a partner unto Nebatur and was enabled to repay every copper and every piece of silver I had borrowed and every debt that I had incurred. Then indeed could I hold my head high and feel that I was an honorable man among men.”

Again Dabasir turned to his food. “Kauskor, thou snail,” he called loudly to be heard in the kitchen, “the food is cold. Bring me more meat fresh from the roasting. Bring thou also a portion for Tarkad the son of my old friend who is hungry and shall eat with me.”

So ended the tale of Dabasir the camel trader of old Babylon. He found his own soul when he realized a great truth, a truth that had been known and used by wise men long before his time.

It has led men of all ages out of difficulties and into success and it will continue to do so for those who have the wisdom to understand its magic power. It is for any man to use who reads these lines.

