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"Well, all the same, I'd like to know what Moses wants of you," said Phil, and the others agreed with him.

"I'll let you know when I come back," said Tom. "It's early; you can all stay here for a while."

He returned in half an hour from his call on the head of the college.

"Well?" demanded his chums of him.

"Great!" he cried. "He received me in his study. Say, were you ever there? It's a fine place. Books, books, books all over. The floor was piled full of them. There was a fire going on the grate and he was sitting there, reading some book with the queerest letters in it."

"Sanskrit," ventured Phil.

"I guess so. Well, he brought up a chair for me, and——"

"Oh, for the love of Dionysius! give us some facts," cried Sid. "What happened?"

"Well, he said he'd had a talk with the proctor and he removed the worst part of my suspension. I can go to the two games here with Boxer Hall and Fairview, but I can't play. I couldn't, anyhow, on account of my arm, so that's all right. And I can attend the special lectures in biology, which I hated to miss. I can't recite for two weeks, but I don't mind that. It's all right. I'll vote for Moses every time!"