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the Randall diamond. It was a "hot" game and Fairview won.

There was anguish of heart among the Randall students and it was not assuaged when, the next week, Boxer, playing on the Randall grounds, took away a game with them, the score being 8 to 2.

"Two drubbings in two successive weeks," exclaimed Kindlings. "What are we going to do?"

"One thing weVe got to do is to improve in pitching," declared the coach, and when some one brought word of this to Tom his heart, that had been heavy during the two weeks of suspension, grew lighter.

"Maybe I'll get a chance," he said to Sid. "It would make up for everything if I did."

"No one wants to see you in the box any more than I do, old chap," spoke Sid fervently.