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"There, I don't believe they'll find them there," spoke Sid. "Now we're ready for them."

On their way back to their apartment they heard some one preceding them down the long hall.

"Who's that?" asked Sid.

"I don't know," replied Tom. "Let's take a look. Maybe it was some one spying on us."

They hastened their steps and saw some one hurry around a corner.

"Did you see him?" asked Tom.

"Yes," answered Sid slowly.

"Was it a soph?"

"It was Langridge," came the hesitating answer.

"I wonder what he was doing up here?" inquired Tom.

"I wonder too," added his chum.

There was a rush of feet in the hall below and the sound of voices in protest.

"Here they come!" cried Sid. "The hazers! Come on!" And he slid into the room, followed by Tom. They slammed the portal shut and bolted it.

The noise below increased, and there was the sound of breaking doors.

"Do they smash in?" asked Tom, to whom a college life was a new experience.

"Sure, if you don't open."

"Going to open?"

"I am not. Let 'em break in. They'll have to pay for the damage."