Page:The Scientific Monthly vol. 3.djvu/115

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east and reaching their climax in the Black Mountain region. The layers are favorably disposed for mining, except in the Pine and Cum- berland mountaiuE, where complex structure renders mining difficult. The coal is bituminous, the most desirable varieties being as follows: Cannel, found in limited basins throughout the field ; coking, appearing in large amounts oidy in the vicinity of Pound Gap; and high-class steaming coals, occurring in quantity in the southeastern counties and at a few places along the western margin.

Coal was exported in 1827, probably earlier; but until the railroad came, the output was insignificant. Though production is rather smal' at the present time, and limited to a few mines scattered along the nilroadE, the region is beginning to become an important coal center.

The first extensive exploitation began in the region about Middles- ioro, in 1893. At present most of this coal is shipped south. Some two years ago a branch of the L. & N". railroad was pushed up the North Fork Kentucky River to Hazard, and extensive coal mining began. Hazard is now (1915) in its ugly duckling stage, has a population of about 2,000, boasts one of 3,500, and altogether is a scar upon the beauti- ful landscape, like a " boom " town of the west. But the moat spectacu- lar development is taking place at Jenkins, on the headwaters of Elk- horn Creek, at the foot of Pound Gap, Pine Mountain, known in litera- tnre as "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine." Eighteen months ago a branch of the B. & 0. railroad reached the site, where a few months prior there had been but one mountain cabin. Jenkins now has brick build- ings three stories high; a great power plant; palatial residences; a splendid hospital ; a concrete dam causing an artificial lake, upon which are pleasure boats; and a town reservoir, into which spring water is filtered from the mountain. Indeed it is growing as fast as Gary,

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