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That Emperour hath ended now his speech.
The Count Rollanz, he never will agree,
Quick to reply, he springs upon his feet;195
And to the King, “Believe not Marsilie.
Seven years since, when into Spain came we,
I conquer’d you Noples also Commibles,
And took Valterne, and all the land of Pine,
And Balaguet, and Tuele, and Sezilie.200
Traitor in all his ways was Marsilies;
Of his pagans he sent you then fifteen,
Bearing in hand their olive-branches green;
Who, ev’n as now, these very words did speak.
You of your Franks a Council did decree,205
Praised they your words that foolish were in deed.
Two of your Counts did to the pagan speed,
Basan was one, and the other Basilie:
Their heads he took on th’ hill by Haltilie.
War have you waged, so on to war proceed,210
To Sarraguce lead forth your great army.
All your life long, if need be, lie in siege,
Vengeance for those the felon slew to wreak.”



That Emperour he sits with lowering front,
He clasps his chin, his beard his fingers tug,215
Good word nor bad, his nephew hears not one.
Franks hold their peace, but only Guenelun
Springs to his feet, and comes before Carlun;
Right haughtily his reason he’s begun,
And to the King: “Believe not any one,220
My word nor theirs, save whence your good shall come.
Since he sends word, that King Marsiliun,
Homage he’ll do, by finger and by thumb;
Throughout all Spain your writ alone shall run;
Next he’ll receive our rule of Christendom;225
Who shall advise, this bidding be not done,