Page:The Sources of Standard English.djvu/22

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A.D. page
New Norse words 131
1230. Specimen of East Midland Dialect 132
1230. Specimen of Southern Dialect 134, 135
1240. The Lincolnshire Creed 136
Interchange of f and g 137
1240. Specimen of East Midland Dialect 138, 139
1240. Specimen of South Western Dialect 140
The Owl and the Nightingale 141
1250. Mercian Religious pieces 142
1250. Specimen of East Midland Dialect 143, 144
1250. Specimen of Northern Dialect 145
The Yorkshire Psalter 146
Gh replaces h 147
Brake, feet, gives 148
The New Relatives - Those 149
New Substantives 150
Through hap, gainsay 151
New Norse words 152
New Version of Layamon's Brut 153
The Jesus Manuscript 154
1270. Huntingdon (?) Poem 155
1270. Specimen of East Midland Dialect 156
1270. Specimen of Southern Dialect 157
The Proverbs of Hending 158
The Sir Tristrem 159
The new sense of bond 160
New Norse words 161
1280. The Harrowing of Hell 162
The curious dialogue 163
The Strong Perfect corrupted 164
The Havelok 165
Northern and Southern forms meet 166
You used for thou 167
The mangling of drake; lark 168
New Norse words 169
Loss of old Prepositions 170
1280. Specimen of East Midland Dialect 171, 172