Page:The Story of Rimini - Hunt (1816, 1st ed).djvu/120

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Paulo's heart bled; he waved his hand, and bent
His head a little in acknowledgment.
"Say then, sir, if you can,” continued he,
"One word will do—you have not injured me:
"Tell me but so, and I shall bear the pain
"Of having asked a question I disdain;—
"But utter nothing, if not that one word;
“And meet me this:"—he stopped, and drew his sword.
Paulo seemed firmer grown from his despair;
He drew a little back; and with the air
Of one who would do well, not from a right
To be well thought of, but in guilt's despite,
"I am," said he, "I know,—'twas not so ever—
"But fight for it! and with a brother! Never."
“How!” with uplifted voice, exclaimed the other;
"The vile pretence! who asked you—with a brother?
"Brother! O traitor to the noble name
"Of Malatesta, I deny the claim.