Page:The Surviving Works of Sharaku (1939).djvu/62

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Hanaayame Bunroku Soga


Segawa Kikunojō III as O-Shizu, the wife of Tanabe Bunzō, the character represented in the preceding print.

He is dressed in a white kimono patterned in faded violet, and under garments of green and rose. The head cloth is violet and the comb the usual yellow. The black obi shows traces of lacquer, and some mica is discernible in the white collar.

The impression reproduced in the Vignier-Inada Catalogue, number 275, is rephotographed as Rumpf number 8 and by Noguchi; the one formerly in the collection of Count Camondo is reproduced in the catalogue of Japanese prints in the Louvre, and an inscribed impression at one time in a Tokyo collection is shown by Kurth and Nakata. There are four in American collections.

Ōban. Dark mica ground. Signed: Tōshūsai Sharaku.

The Art Institute of Chicago (Buckingham Collection).