Page:The Tatler (New York) - Volume 1, Number 1.djvu/9

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That Tumble Down Shack in Athlone


Oh! I want to go back to that tum - ble down shack, Where the

wild ros - es bloom 'round the door; Just to pil - low my head, in that

ould trun - dle bed, Just to see my ould moth - er once

You know Chauncey Olcott. never consents to sing a song unless it's a top-liner.
All right, here's a song, one of three, that he's singing in his new
show by George M. Cohan, "The Voice of McConnell."

How Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm?


How 'ya gon-na keep 'em, down on the farm, Af - ter they've seen Pa - ree?

How 'ya gonna keep 'em a - way from Broad-way; Jazz-in' a-'roun;— . And paint - in' the town?

This is one of the biggest song hits in the country today. Listen to the chorus of
headliners using it—Van & Schenck, Henry Lewis, Charlie King, Willie
Weston, Nellie Nichols, etc. Lively, good fun, and fits any whistle.