Page:The Third International to the Workers of all Countries Concerning the Polish Question (1920).pdf/10

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To the International Proletariat.

Workers of all countries. Once again blood is being shed. Once again vast territories are being laid waste by war operations, once again the working masses of Russia hungering for peace, hungering to get on with their work of reconstructing their land from out of the ruins, are forced to take up the rifle. The war of capitalist and landlord Poland against Soviet Russia is causing an interruption in the constructive work which the workers and peasants of Russia have undertaken so soon as they have defeated the attacks of Kolchak, Denikin and Udenitch, so soon as they have liberated their land, their factories and their freedoms from the attacks of international capitalism.

Who is the instigator of these crimes. You are aware of the fact that Soviet Russia has recognised Poland's independance with the first day of the establishment of that Government. You know that Soviet Russia has made offers of peace negotiations to the Polish Government from the very first day of the establishment of the Polish Republic. You know, that anxious to save the blood of the workers and peasants of Russia and Poland, Soviet Russia was prepared to compromise with the polish landlords and capitalists and to make concessions of a political and economic character; that the Soviet Government is firmly convinced that the Polish workers, the allies of the Russian proletariat, will sooner or later take the government power into their own hands and remove every injustice and that in view of this the Soviet Government was prepared temporarily to hind over to the Polish ruling class such territories of the Russian Republic even the population of which is not Polish. You know that Soviet Russia was prepared to conduct peace negotiations not only at Warsaw, but even at Paris or London, the capitals of the governments closely connected with the Polish landlords and capitalists. Poland's