Page:The Third International to the Workers of all Countries Concerning the Polish Question (1920).pdf/3

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To the Workers of all Countries.

Concerning the Polish Question.

The governments of France, England and America who are alleged to have been waging a bloody war for the last four years in the name of democracy, liberty and the establishment of a stable and lasting peace between nations, are now egging on Poland to fight Soviet Russia; this same Poland who has received her freedom and independence not out of the hands of the imperialist governments but as a result of the Russian and the German revolutions.

Before his retirement the following is the resolution that Celemenceau made at the last political conference: War with Soviet Russia to the last drop of blood of the last Polish soldier. The poor section of the Polish population arrayed in the Scotch uniform presented to them by the charitable English are carrying on a bloody battle with Russian workers and peasants along the whole length of the front with which the Poles have cut into Lithuania, White Russia and the Ukraine, utterly disregarding the will of the wide masses of the population.

Now after the conclusive defeat of Udenich, Kolchak and Denikin the Polish war against Russia seems at first sight scarcely a probability. Considering that the white generals who had mobilised under their banner of the «great and indivisible Russia» not only all the forces of the Russian bourgeoisie, and not only all that was left of the feudal-tzarist, regime; considering that the white generals who depended not only upon the support of international capitalism but also upon the fierce hatred of all the bourgeois elements of old Russia—failed to resist the mighty pressure of the Red Army, is it at all likely that a country like Poland, weak and left to its own resources should decide to