Page:The Trial of William Booth, of Perry Barr.pdf/9

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Counsel for the Prosecution, Messrs. Jervis, Puller, and Barnes,—Solicitors, Messrs. Winter and Kaye;—for Prisoner, Mr. Alley, (by a special retainer) and Messrs. Clifford, and Taunton,—Solicitor, Mr. Thos. Gem, of Birmingham.

Wm. Booth and Geo. Scott, were then indicted for making paper, and having it in their possession and using a mould having the words "Bank of England," visible in the substance of such paper, which was made a capital offence by the Statute of 29th Geo. III.

Much of the evidence on this trial was in substance the same as that adduced on Booth's trial.—Verdict, Booth Guilty—Scott Not Guilty.

Booth was convicted on several other indictments. Mrs. Booth was not put upon her trial, no true bill having been found against her.—Booth's accomplices were sentenced as follows; viz. Elizabeth Chidlow, to be transported for fourteen years; George Scott, and John Yates the elder, for seven years. John Yates the younger, James Yates, and John Burrows, were acquitted. John Ingley, and Richard Ingley, were admitted evidence for the Crown.