Page:The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle.djvu/230

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The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle

"I have it," he yelled, "this fish has escaped from an aquarium. Why, of course! Look at the kind of things he has learned: 'Picture postcards'—they always sell them in aquariums; 'Dont spit'; 'No smoking'; 'This way out'—the things the attendants say. And then, 'My, here's a queer one!' That's the kind of thing that people exclaim when they look into the tanks. It all fits. There's no doubt about it, Stubbins: we have here a fish who has escaped from captivity. And it's quite possible—not certain, by any means, but quite possible—that I may now, through him, be able to establish communication with the shellfish. This is a great piece of luck."