Page:The Waning of the Middle Ages (1924).djvu/317

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Verbal and Plastic Expression Compared

Yseult, yet always retain a certain freshness and impeccable, though conventional, gracefulness. When in Christine courtly sweetness goes hand in hand with the simplicity of the popular song, we hear an accent of the most exquisite purity.

We print the dialogue of two lovers who meet after a separation.

Tu soies le très bien venu,
M’amour, or m’embrace et me baise
Et comment t’es tu maintenu
Puis ton départ? Sain et bien aise
As tu esté toujours? Ça vien
Costé moy, te sié et me conte
Comment t’a esté, mal ou bien,
Car de ce vueil savoir le compte.

—Ma dame, a qui je suis tenu
Plus que aultre, a nul n’en desplaise,
Sachés que desir m’a tenu
Si court qu’oncques n’oz tel mesaise,
Ne plaisir ne prenoie en rien
Loings de vous. Amours, qui cuers dompte,
Me disoit: ‘Loyauté me tien,
Car de ce vueil savoir le compte.’

—Dont m’as tu ton serment tenu,
Bon gré t’en sçay, par saint Nicaise;
Et puis que sain es revenu
Joye arons assez; or t’apaise
Et me dis se scez de combien
Le mal qu’en as eu a plus monte
Que cil qu’a souffert le cuer mien,
Car de ce vueil savoir le compte.

—Plus mal que vous, si com retien,
Ay eu, mais dites sanz mesconte,
Quans baisiers en aray je bien?
Car de ce vueil savoir le compte.”[1]

  1. You are most welcome, My love; now embrace me and kiss me. And how have you been Since your departure? Healthy and at ease Have you always been? Here, come Beside me; sit down and tell me How you have been, well or not, For of this I want to have an account.

    —Lady, to whom I am bound More than to any other, may it displease no one, Know that desire so curbed me That I never had such discomfort Nor did I take pleasure in anything Far from you. Love, who tames hearts, Said to me: “Remain faithful to me, For of this I want to have an account.”

    —So you kept your oath to me, I thank you much for it by saint Nicaise;