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season with pepper, salt and a small piece of butter. This is a cheap but good soup, using the remains of cold turkey which might other- wise be thrown away.


FEY out the fat of a slice of bacon or fat ham, drain it off, and in it fry the slices of a large onion brown; scald, peel and cut up two quarts fresh tomatoes, when in season (use canned tomatoes other- wise), and cut thin one quart okra; put them, together with a little chopped parsley, in a stew-kettle with about three quarts of hot broth of any kind ; cook slowly for three hours, season with salt and pep- per. Serve hot.

In chicken broth the same quantity of okra pods, used for thicken- ing instead of tomatoes, forms a chicken, gumbo soup.


ONE quart of white stock ; one pint of cream or milk ; one onion ; two stalks celery ; one-third of a cupful of tapioca ; two cupf uls of cold water ; one tablespoonf ul of butter ; a small piece of mace ; salt, pep- per. Wash the tapioca and soak over night in cold water. Cook it and the stock together very gently for one hour. Cut the onion and celery into small pieces, and put on to cook for twenty minutes with the milk and mace. Strain on the tapioca and stock. Season with salt and pepper, add butter and serve.



ONE quart of milk, six large onions, yolks of four eggs, three table- spoonfuls of butter, a large one of flour, one cup full of cream, salt, pepper. Put the butter in a frying pan. Cut the onions into thin slices and drop in the butter. Stir until they begin to cook-; then cover tight and set back where they will simmer, but not burn, for half an hour. Now put the milk on to boil, and then add the dry flour to the onions and stir constantly for three minutes over the fire ; then turn the mixture into the milk and cook fifteen minutes. Rub the

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