Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 16.djvu/336

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December 7th, 1733.

IF either of the two men servants be drunk, he shall pay an English crown out of his wages for the said offence, by giving the dean a receipt for so much wages received.

When the dean is at home, no servant shall presume to be absent, without giving notice to the dean, and asking leave, upon the forfeiture of six pence for every half-hour that he is absent, to be stopped out of his or her board-wages.

When the dean is abroad, no servant, except the woman, shall presume to leave the house for above one half-hour; after which, for every half-hour's absence, he shall forfeit six pence: and if the other servant goes out before the first returns, he shall pay five shillings out of his wages, as above.

Whatever servant shall be taken in a manifest lie, shall forfeit one shilling out of his or her board-wages.

When the dean goes about the house, or out-houses, or garden, or to Naboth's Vineyard, whatever things he finds out of order, by neglect of any ser-
