Page:The World's Parliament of Religions Vol 1.djvu/145

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THE CHRONICLE OF THE PARLIAMENT. I I 7 by James, Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore. Read by the Right Reverend John J, Keane, D.D., Rector of the Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Religion Essentially Characteristic of Humanity ; by Lyman Abbott, D.D., Brooklyn. The Divine Basis of the Cooperation of Men and Women; by Mrs. Lydia H. Dickinson, St. Louis. The Religious Intent; by the Rev. E. L. Rexford, D.D., of Boston. afternoon session. spiritual Forces in Human Progress; by Edward Everett Hale, D.D., of Boston. Orthodox or Historical Judaism; Its Attitude and Relation to the Fast, and its Future; by Rabbi H. Pereira Mendes, of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, New York. Read by Mr. William Pipe. The Certainties of Religion ; by Joseph Cook, of Boston. The History of Buddhism and its Sects in Japan ; by Horin ToKi. Read by Kinza Riuge M. Hirai. The Fifth Day. — Friday, September 15. At the morning session Dr. Barrows presided, and after silent devotion, the Lord's Prayer was said by the Rev. George A. Ford, American missionary to Syria. What the Dead Religions have Bequeathed to the living; by Prof. G. S. Goodspeed, of Chicago University. The Points of Contact and of Contrast between Christianity and Mohammedanism ; by President George Washburn, D.D., of Robert College, Constantinople. The Study of Comparative Theology ; by Prof. C. P. Tiele, of the University of Leyden. Read by the Rev. Frank M. Bristol, D.D., of Chicago. The next address and speaker were welcomed with more than usual demonstrations of interest and applause. The Real Religion of To-Day; by Mrs. Laura Ormiston Chant, London. At the Afternoon Session, presided over by the Rev.