Page:The World's Parliament of Religions Vol 1.djvu/151

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THE CHRONICLE OF THE PARLIAMENT, ETC. I 23 interest which they stirred in the hearers and the strong response which they drew forth — -the papers of CoL T. W. Higginson, Bishop Dudley, and Prof. J. Estlin Carpenter of Oxford, England, — although the last-mentioned lacked the advantage of the author's own voice and presence. 21ie Sympathy of Religions ; by Col. Thomas Wentworth Higginson, of Cambridge, Mass. The Histoj^ic Christ; by the Right Reverend T. U. Dud- ley, Bishop of Kentucky. A New Testament Woman, or What Did Phoebe Do? by Rev. Marion Murdock, of Cleveland. Jewish Conti'ibutions to Civilization ; by Prof. D. G. Lyon, of Harvard University, The Laia of Cause and Effect as Taught by Buddha; by Shaku Soyen of Japan. Read by Dr. Barrows. AT the afternoon SESSION. Christianity an Historical Religion; by Prof. George Park Fisher, D.D., of Yale University. Read by Prof. GooDSPEED, of Chicago. The Need of a Wider Conception of Revelation; by Prof. J. EsTLiN Carpenter, of Oxford University. Read by the Rev. Mr. RuBiNKAM, of Chicago. Christ the Reason of the Universe; by the Rev. J. W. Lee, of Atlanta, Georgia. 7he Worlds Debt to Buddha; by H. Dharmapala, oi Ceylon. The interest which this paper aroused was doubtless enhanced by the presence, beside the speaker, of a small stone figure of Buddha, said by him to be nineteen centuries old. The conclusion of the paper was deferred until a later session. at the evening SESSION. The Incarnation Idea in History and in Jesus Christ; by the Right Rev. John J. Keane, D.D., of Washington, D. C. The Incarnation of God in Christ ; by the Rev. Julian K. Smyth, of Boston Highlands. Orthodox Southern Buddhism ;hyiQ Right Rev. H. Suman- GALA.' Read by Mr. Dharmapala. 1 Chief Monk of the Southern Buddhist Church of Ceylon.