Page:The World's Parliament of Religions Vol 1.djvu/157

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THE CHRONICLE OF THE PARLIAMENT. I 29 you not try to save their bodies from starvation ? In India during the terrible famines thousands died from hunger, yet you Christians did nothing. You erect churches all through India, but the crying evil in the East is not religion — they have religion enough — but it is bread that these suffering millions of burning India cry out for with parched throats. They ask us for bread, but we give them stones. It is an insult to a starving peo- ple to offer them religion ; it is an insult to a starving man to teach him metaphysics. In India a priest that preached for money would lose caste, and be spat upon by the people. I came here to seek aid for my impover- ished people, and I fully realized how difficult it was to get help for heathens from Christians in a Christian land. He concluded his speech by a few remarks on the Hindu doctrine of reincarnation. The Eleventh Day. — Thursday, September 21. The chair was occupied by Dr. Barrows, the silent prayer was offered, and the Lord's Prayer was said by the Rev. Dr. Pentecost. The Chairman made several communications to the Parlia- ment, as follows : COMMITTEES ON REPRESENTATIVE BOOKS, Requests having been presented that in some way lists of the best books on religion be prepared and announced before this Parliament, I venture to ask the following persons to constitute committees to prepare a list of fifty or more of the best books on Christianity from an evangelical point and other points of view. I would also name a committee representing what are usually called the liberal churches to send me another list of books which they would recommend. Committee of Protestant Evangelical Christians — The Rev. F. A. Noble, D.D., Chairman; the Rev. George Dana Boardman, D.D. ; the Rev. Frank M. Bristol, D.D. ; Prof. G. S. Goodspeed, the Rev. Joseph Cook, the Rev. S. J. McPherson, D.D. ; Dr. George E. Post, the Rt. Rev. T. U. Dudley, D.D., and the Rev. James S. Dennis, D.D. Committee of Catholic Christians — The Rt. Rev. John J. Keane, Chair- man ; Prof. Thomas O'Gorman, Prof. Thomas Dwight, the Rt. Rev. Mgr. Seton, Prof. Martin J. Wade. Committee of Liberal Churches — The Rev. Jenkin Lloyd-Jones, Chair- man ; the Rev. Edward Everett Hale, Protab Chunder Mozoomdar, Prof. F. G. Peabody, Dr. Emil G. Plirsch, Prof. C. H. Toy, the Rev. Samuel J. Barrows, Mrs. Julia Ward Howe. It is suggested that the books shall be representative of these three departments : Evidences, History, and Spiritual Classics. 9