Page:The World's Parliament of Religions Vol 1.djvu/234

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206 INTRODUCTION TO PARLIAMENT PAPERS. third day by Archbishop Latas ; and on the same day Father Elliott expounded the supreme office of Christianity. On the fourth day, Cardinal Gibbons dealt with the benefits of religion to man ; Dr. Lyman Abbott pointed out its essential necessity to all men ; and Joseph Cook urged the exclusive claims of the evangelical system of redemption. On the sixth day, Dr. C. A. Briggs dealt with the inspiration of the Christian Script- ures ; Dr. T. T. Munger considered Christianity as set forth in literature ; and Mgr. Seton presented the Catholic view of the Bible. On the eighth day, Rev. J. W. Lee spoke of the place of Christ in Christianity ; Bishop Keane treated of incarnation as a Christian theme ; Rev. J. K. Smyth presented the New Church view of Christ ; and Bishop T. W. Dudley argued for faith in Christ as God incarnate. On the tenth day, Chris- tianity in Japan was considered by H. Kozaki ; and Christian redemption was expounded by Dr. D. J. Kennedy. Christian missions were reviewed on the twelfth day. On the fourteenth day, Christianity and America received consideration in addresses by Prof. T. O'Gorman and Dr. D. J. Burrell ; Rev. G. F. Pentecost reviewed the present Christian outlook : and Dr. H. K. Carroll reported the comparative statistics of vari- ous systems. On the fifteenth day the position of the Angli- can Church was explained by Prof. T. Richey ; the need of unity in Christian work was set forth by Rev. G. T. Candlin ; Christian reunion was treated by Dr. Philip Schaff ; the relations between denominations was considered by Rev. B. L. Whitman ; the claims of Bible orthodoxy were urged by Dr. Luther F. Townsend ; the Free Baptist views were expounded by Prof. J. A. Howe ; and Rev. F. E. Clark reviewed Christian prospects throughout the world. On the sixteenth day. Professor W. C. Wilkinson presented the exclu- sive claims of Christian redemption ; Mrs. Julia Ward Howe presented in reply the broad humanitarian view of Christian- ity; Rev. J. S. Dennis reviewed the points of faith urged upon all religions by Christianity ; Rev. G. Bonet-Maury spoke of the Christian situation in France; and Christianity in Japan was again considered by Nobuta Kishimoto.