Page:The World's Parliament of Religions Vol 1.djvu/53

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that the great Head of the Church may, in his providence, make use of this immense gathering to usher in the triumph of his truth, when at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow ?

Bishop Charles C. Grafton of Fond du Lac, wrote :

One result will be to show that the Christian faith was never more widely or more intelligently believed in, or Jesus Christ more adoringly fol- lowed. (Jivilization, which is making the whole world one, is preparing the

way for the reunion of all the world's religions in their true center — Jesus Christ.

The late Bishop Phillips Brooks of Massachusetts, wrote :

The design seems to me to be very noble. It appeals to the imagina- tion, to the reason, and to our best desires for humanity. To bring together in large council the representatives of all the religions in the world, so far as that can be done, is at once an acknowledgment of the reality of the religious impulse wherever it has shown itself, and of the universal action and guidance and love of God.