Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 2 (1898).djvu/592

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Biological Suggestions. Assimilative Colouration. Part I. W.L. Distant, 377.

The Autumn Song of Birds, Charles H. Witchell, 410.

Notes and Queries:—

Mammalia. — Conduct of a Rabbit when pursued by Dog, Wm. Borrer, 413.
Aves. — The so-called St. Kilda Wren, H.S. Davenport, 413. Scoters in

Summer ; Ivory Gull on the Solway, J.J. Armistead, 414. Birdsnesting in August, Robert H. Read, 415. Coition of Birds in the Air, W. Barrett Roue, M.D., 415. Parasites in Birds, J.L. Newman, 415.

All Articles and Communications intended for publication, and Books and Pamphlets for review, should be addressed "The Editor of 'The Zoologist' c/o West, Newman & Co., 54, Hatton Garden, London;" or direct to the Editor, W. L. Distant, Westbourne Terrace, Lower Addiscombe, Surrey.

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