Page:The aquarium - an unveiling of the wonders of the deep sea.djvu/322

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which are marine as well as fluviatile; the Grey Mullet; the Blennies and Gobies; the Wrasses; and the Rocklings, among fishes. Of Mollusca the Aplysia, the Periwinkle, the Chitons, the Scallops, and some of the sand-burrowing Bivalves, as Venus, Pullastra, &c. A specimen of Gastrochæna modiolina I kept many months, though under most trying circumstances. Of Crustacea, Eurynome, Portunus puber, Carcinus mœnas, Ebalia, Corystes, the Paguri, Porcellana platycheles, the Crangones, the Palæmones. Of Annelides, Pectinaria, the Sabellæ, the Serpulæ, Pontobdella muricata. Of Zoophytes, the Madrepores, and all the Actiniadæ.

The following are interesting, and may be preserved for a considerable time, but are rather more precarious. Among fishes, the Sea-scorpion (Cottus); the 15-spined Stickleback; the Butterfly Blenny; the Spotted Gunnel; the Suckers; the Pipe-fishes. Among Mollusca, all the Nudibranch, and most of the Tectibranch species; the Naticæ, the Cypræa, the Purpura; and many Bivalves; the Cynthiæ, and Ascidiæ. Among Crustacea, the Pisæ; the Portuni; small specimens of the Lobster; Athanas nitescens; the Hippolytes; Pandalus; Gammarus; Idotea. Among Annelides, the Terebella; Aphrodite aculeata; and the Planariæ. Of Echinoderms, the Cribella, Palmipes, Asterina, Asterias, Echinus and Cucumaria.

Procuring Specimens.—By far the most interesting mode of acquiring your stock, is the collection of them by your own personal research. But as this is not in every case practicable, we must have recourse to