Page:The bibliography of Tennyson (1896).pdf/72

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Cry"; "The Battle of Brunanburg"; "The Sisters"; "The Defence of Lucknow"; "'The Revenge': a Ballad of the Fleet"; "The Charge of the Heavy Brigade," etc., with dedicatory lines to Sir Edward Hamley; "Sonnet to W. H. Brookfield"; "Sir John Franklin"; "To the Princess Frederica on her Marriage"; "Dante" (written at the request of the Florentines), etc.

Child Songs, by Alfred Tennyson: "The City Child"; "Minnie and Winnie." St. Nicholas, New York, February, 1880 (Vol. VII., p. 281). Set to music by Mrs. Alfred Tennyson, ditto, p. 349 and (March, 1880) pp. 428-430 of the same volume.

Reprinted in the Poet's Collected Works (1886), Vol. V.


Despair: a Dramatic Monologue. Nineteenth Century, November, 1881 (No. LVII.). Twenty-one stanzas of varying length,

Reprinted in "Tiresias, and Other Poems" (1885).