Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/267

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Mayhap you think to——

Duke Skule.

Hearken to me! Think of the Bishop's words! Let us share; give me the ten ship-wards; let me hold my share as a free kingdom, without tax or tribute. Norway has ere this been parted into two kingdoms;—we will hold firmly together——


Duke, you must be soul-sick, that you can crave such a thing.

Duke Skule.

Ay, I am soul-sick, and there is no other healing for me. We two must be equals; there must be no man over me!


Every treeless skerry is a stone in the building which Harald Hårfager and the sainted King Olaf reared; would you have me break in twain what they have mortised together? Never!

Duke Skule.

Well, then let us reign by turns; let each bear sway for three years! You have reigned long; now my turn has come. Depart from the land for three years;—I will be king the while; I will even out your paths for you against your home-coming; I will guide all things for the best;—it wears and blunts the senses to sit ever on the watch. Håkon, hear me—three years each; let us wear the crown by turns!


Think you my crown would fit well on your brow?