Page:The complete poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar.pdf/27

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Come away to dreamin' town 254
Come, drink a stirrup cup with me 125
Come, essay a sprightly measure 97
Come on walkin' wid me, Lucy; 't ain't no time to mope erroun' 164
Come to the pane, draw the curtain apart 120
Come when the nights are bright with stars 61
Cool is the wind, for the summer is waning 163
Cover him over with daisies white 258
Daih's a moughty soothin' feelin' 187
Darling, my darling, my heart is on the wing 202
Days git wa'm an' wa'mah 239
De axes has been ringin' in de woods de blessid day 143
De breeze is blowin' 'cross de bay 145
De 'cession's stahted on de gospel way, 194
De daʼkest hour, dey allus say 165
De dog go howlin' 'long de road 247
De night creep down erlong de lan' 166
De ol' time's gone, de new time's hyeah 192
De sun hit shine an' de win' hit blow 256
De times is mighty stirrin' 'mong de people up ouah way 158
De trees is bendin' in de sto'm 193
De way t'ings come, hit seems to me 225
De win' is blowin' wahmah 236
De win' is hollahin' "Daih you" to de shuttahs an' de fiah 174
Dear critic, who my lightness so deplores 189
Dear heart, good-night! 23
Dear Miss Lucy: I been t'inkin' dat I'd write you long fo' dis 151
Deep in my heart that aches with the repression 25
Dey been speakin' at de cou't-house 205
Dey had a gread big pahty down to Tom's de othah night 83
Dey is snow upon the meddahs 168

[ xxi ]